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Saturday, July 21, 2012

our last days

When I was pregnant with Emily, I blogged every day for the final 100 days, spending time every day preparing for her, enjoying her growth, and pondering the big questions of parenting.

This time around I haven’t found myself with much time for showering or getting all of the laundry put away, let alone figuring out something spectacular to blog about each day. But I’m realizing that the words I find the time to mark down here and there are less about saying something profound and more about simply documenting our life. The good, the bad and the messy.

In just a few weeks time (or less!), we will start journeying through our first days as a family of four and witnessing our daughter go from only child to big sister.  I can’t say I’m not impatiently looking forward to the day we get to meet our little boy, however I’m also realizing that we’re in the midst of some ‘last’ days too, days that need to be cherished.

There’s a lot going on around here right now, and as we count down to this sweet boy’s arrival (2 weeks to Due Day!), I hope I have the time to share some of them. 

More than that though, I’m hoping to celebrate the moments we’re sharing with Emily.  She changed our lives forever, and the past year has been just as exciting and monumental as the first, but I have failed to document it on the blog like I should.  So expect to see photos (and a video or two) of the past 10 or so months, as well as some glimpses of the memories we’re currently making (like a trip to the farmers market and a date to the coffee shop this morning).

So, without further ado, here’s a video clip from November – Emily’s first steps! I’m not sure why it cut out the audio.  She was being such a little stinker the whole time.

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