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Monday, October 1, 2012

31 days

31 days

I’ve been trying for about a week to come up with a topic to blog about for 30 straight days without repeating myself or boring the heck out of everyone.  I wanted to participate last year too, but had the same problem.  What do I know enough about to come up with that much original material?

And then it hit me. Lately, I've been feeling really isolated because I’m walking this journey that (thankfully) not many will have to walk.  Or at least if feels that way, though I’m sure there are many parents out there feeling the same way after losing a child. 

So maybe - if I blog each day about how I’m feeling and where I’m finding healing - maybe just one person may stumble upon it one day and feel less alone.

Later today I’ll post a little more about why this experience is so isolating for me (despite an outpouring of love and support from family and friends, near and far) and it will be focussed on stillbirth, but for the rest of the month, I hope those who have said goodbye to a child at any stage will find comfort and inspiration.

day 1: the in-between
day 2: the goodbye
day 3: brokenness
day 4: I’m the lucky one
day 8: time moves forward
day 9: the need for community
day 10: words to live by
day 11: watercolor finger paints (making memorial art)


Heidi said...

I'm so sorry to hear about little Griffin... still such fresh grief.

We lost our son, Isaiah, nearly 12 years ago. It's a pain that certainly gets easier, but it doesn't leave. I never know when the tears might come again. That little boy has caused me to grow in ways I never imagined, though.

I pray that you and countless others will find comfort from your words this month. I'll be thinking of you and praying for you!

Becky said...

Oh sweet girl, you are never alone.


Looking forward to following your journey.



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