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Monday, April 18, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

We really need to get back on the menu planning bandwagon around here.  Craig has been working part time since the beginning of March and we’re trying to keep our savings intact and me home on Maternity leave, so keeping the grocery budget down is a great way to start!  We’ve been eating out more that we’d like just because 6pm rolls around and I don’t want to cook, and, uh, Craig doesn’t.

Flexibility is key around here as we’re always getting together with friends or Craig is working late and Emily and I are on our own, so I’m not assigning meals to specific days.  I’ve shopped for the following meals and will be preparing them day by day as needed, with the exception of the (big!) turkey, which I am cooking on Saturday so we can use the extra meat for meals in the coming weeks.  Additionally, on Sundays we often get together with friends for a potluck, so that day is left open for leftovers or get-togethers.

Breakfast Options:

Yogurt & Granola

Lunch Options:

Grilled Cheese


Sticky Chicken with Olive Oil & Rosemary Rolls
Taco Salad
Steak with Dry Rub & BBQ Roasted Potatoes
Spicy Mango Chicken Salad
Turkey Dinner (for leftovers)


Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

This is such a good way to menu plan. I like that you aren't assigning a specific meal to a specific day. It stays so felxible but totally planned at the same time.

0klahoma Girl said...

I need to get into making a menu plan, but with how hectic things are going with my husband's training it seems the menu plan would just go to waste for me.


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