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Monday, July 5, 2010

35: grapefruit smoothie

grapefruit I am still loving the citrus, and while cruising the clearance book section at Chapters I came upon a smoothie book. I didn’t buy it, but I got inspiration from one of their recipes and used it to create the yummy drink below. Enjoy!

Grapefruit Smoothie


1 large pink or ruby red grapefruit

1/3 cup cold water

1/2 cup plain nonfat yogurt

1 Tbsp honey

5 ice cubes


Peel the grapefruit and remove as much of the white pith as possible to minimize bitterness. Pull apart the sections and remove any seeds you find.

grapefruit 1

Blend grapefruit and water in blender.

grapefruit 2

Add yogurt, honey, and ice cubes. Blend until smooth.

Grapefruit 3


-Make sure you use pink or ruby red grapefruit. They’re sweeter than the more yellow ones. You’ll need to add more honey if you can’t find any!
-Adding vanilla yogurt instead of plain may also sweeten it up if you’re not a big citrus fan but looking for the refreshment.
-Supposedly grapefruit is a very cleansing food, so if you’re looking for a great diet drink, this could be it.


Check out the other great recipes I’ve made, including a great pregnancy smoothie!

Check out the recipe parties at Life As Mom and Balancing Beauty and Bedlam!


SnoWhite said...

This sounds like something I would really enjoy!

If you like grapefruit, have you tried broiled grapefruit?

FishMama said...

I never would have thought to do that! Did the membrane grind up okay?


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